General Contracting, defined as the provision of a fixed lump sum for a defined scope of work, forms a significant portion of Shurway’s business. With this approach, the balance of risk in the contract is placed largely with the Contractor - this approach is well suited to projects where the owner's design team has the time to prepare a complete and coordinated set of tender documentation which reflects all aspects of the required construction.
Shurway brings highly competitive trades to the table which provides overall competitiive pricing for the owner. Shurway reviews all documentation during the tender process, drawing also on the expertise of trades.
Shurway places a full time Site Superintendent at every jobsite. This ensures that an appropriate level of trade coordination as well as liaison with the owner is always provided. In addition to our Project Manager, Shurway also commits to having a Partner involved directly in every project to provide oversight and ensure that the contractual requirements of cost, time and quality are met while providing a high level of customer satisfaction.